Architects for Hire

new build

the cove house

the contractor shall be assumed to have examined carefully the drawings and specification and is fully informed of the extent and character of the works. the contractor shall also be assumed to have visited the site of the works, and is fully informed of its nature, surroundings, approaches and means of access, and of all matters or circumstances likely to affect the cost of or time for carrying out the works.


lf the contractor finds any discrepancies between the various parts of the specification and/or between the specification and the contract, the contractor shall immediately refer them to the p.m. nicvandernol.architect pty ltd and marcelle davis and oliver warren reserve the right to alter any documentation (primarily as a result of negotiations or changes necessitated) with the intent that any such changes to documentation are identified and made clear to the prospective tenderer/s.

architects for .

Fairfeild, Melbourne



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story: 150- 300 words

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